Forums - KoF2000 tiers? Show all 40 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- KoF2000 tiers? ( Posted by Voodoo on 07:19:2001 06:34 AM: KoF2000 tiers? This game kicks serious ass, but I'm a huge newbie at it. I'm curious as to who are considered top tier in kof2k? Who are some of the best strikers? Posted by Voodoo on 07:19:2001 07:31 AM: Damn you fools, go play this game! (just a lail bump before bed) Posted by Geocide on 07:19:2001 07:50 AM: Beside SS2...most people will say SNK games don't have tiers. Posted by Kamui on 07:19:2001 08:51 AM: And those people would be wrong. quote: Originally posted by Geocide Beside SS2...most people will say SNK games don't have tiers. Posted by Hoe Muffin on 07:19:2001 11:33 AM: I don't play the game well myself, but I have seen some accomplished (or maybe scrubby? I dunno, I can't really tell) players, and I see Iori and Seth used as Strikers a LOT. Posted by XNDL on 07:19:2001 11:50 AM: Don't forget Joe striker paired with Ralf/Clark Ugh. -XNDL Posted by g_ngan on 07:19:2001 12:59 PM: i play KOF00 as myself....i don't think there is any tiers cause every is balance i see people that are really good with all players and can win a lot~ and i also don't think people need to throw in the game cause there is lot of moves that cannot blow like the zangief(not sure how to spell) and because of the little jump in's really hard to block wheter up or it's balance~ but a lot of good players from before thinks that KOF00 sucks cause many bad players get good at it....they said it's cause of the striker~ and the best striker will be iroi(the speacil one not the normal iori) and seth .....he jumps out...and if it doesn't hit your opponect....he will walk front and do a punch(and it cannot be block unless you do a move) Posted by Hoe Muffin on 07:19:2001 01:34 PM: *sigh* Why does EVERYONE pick on the Red Cyclone, look the only game where he is really worthy of ultra suckitude is MvC2, the big guy holds his own otherwise. And for the love of Pete, what's wrong with throwing? I *hate* it when people bitch me out for throwing them, welcome to the magic of "TECH HIT". *sniff*, anyways, enough of my rants about cheapness and what not, its been covered before. I tried my hand at KoF 2000 today, and Seth slapped me around like a Red headed step child. Juggles galore! Posted by Devil Lee on 07:19:2001 02:20 PM: Zangief in any Capcom games doesn`t hold a torch to Goro Daimon or Clark. Sad but true. Posted by Drakeon on 07:19:2001 02:25 PM: Clark jumps in ...OOOOH two japs to the face... he ducks he jumps OHH THE FRANKINSTIENER THE FRANKINSTIENER....*clark* "Heyyyyyyyy"................ um anyway.... Iori is always top for me... Posted by g_ngan on 07:19:2001 04:01 PM: i am just saying that KOF00 doesn't need throw to win~ but i think in MVC2....throw is fine cause he takes the risk of getting hit by AAA~ i think most games need to throw but not ALL the time! if those shitty just keep on blocking! for instance,SF3 can parry to get yourself open space(unless that guy just block all day) Posted by Geocide on 07:19:2001 08:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by Kamui And those people would be wrong. Unlikely. Tell that to someone like ImMature and you'll regret it. SNK games usually don't have one or more characters that can own everyone else. In Samurai Shodown 2, Ukyo could dominate anyone. That made him top tier, so to speak. Beyond SS2...SNK games are usually more balanced out so that everyone has a chance against each other. That's why most people laugh when smeone mentions tiers in SNK games. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 07:19:2001 09:26 PM: benimaru w/ that black striker guy...the one who walks in and punches...i forget wt his name is...also kyo, is, and juhn...i dont remember any others but i mainly see beni played cuz hes got all these 100% combos...oh yeah king and terry... Posted by booda on 07:19:2001 09:37 PM: Most people would put Maxima in a tier. Not everyone likes him (but I do!). The thing that bothers me about the later KOF games is that it's more about dodging, low jumping, strikers, and all sorts of things that aren't really player specific. Don't jump on me because of this opinion; I haven't even played KOF2000 yet! So my opinion may not be valid. Posted by Voodoo on 07:19:2001 10:05 PM: Yeah, after playing a bit more it seems pretty balanced overall. I still like Iori as a lead, but his alt. form as a Striker is just crazy. Posted by Kamui on 07:19:2001 11:47 PM: Im sorry but thats just not true. There is a reason why you see certain characters on tourney teams over and over again. It happens in KOF and it happens in most fighters. Games that sapposedly dont have tiers are games where the character specific attributes are boring and dont out weight the system wide abilities. quote: Originally posted by Geocide Unlikely. Tell that to someone like ImMature and you'll regret it. SNK games usually don't have one or more characters that can own everyone else. In Samurai Shodown 2, Ukyo could dominate anyone. That made him top tier, so to speak. Beyond SS2...SNK games are usually more balanced out so that everyone has a chance against each other. That's why most people laugh when smeone mentions tiers in SNK games. Posted by Kamui on 07:19:2001 11:58 PM: Thats why people say there are no tiers, the character specific attributes in the game arent exactly apparent in later play. quote: Originally posted by booda Most people would put Maxima in a tier. Not everyone likes him (but I do!). The thing that bothers me about the later KOF games is that it's more about dodging, low jumping, strikers, and all sorts of things that aren't really player specific. Don't jump on me because of this opinion; I haven't even played KOF2000 yet! So my opinion may not be valid. Posted by booda on 07:19:2001 11:58 PM: That's sort of what I was trying to say. If the innate abilities given to all characters is the main focus of combat, then there's no real variety in gameplay. Sure, each character has different moves, but what good are they if they don't provide a unique advantage? For reference, see DragonBallZ Legends. Posted by TS on 07:20:2001 12:07 AM: Of course the game has just can't comment on them, since you're not in an area where the game gets a lot of play (ie, anywhere in America vs anywhere in S.E. Asia). I could tell you that A3 Dhalsim is bad, or that MvC2 Cable has nothing going for him, but I would be speaking out of ignorance if I did so. Devil Lee- dead wrong. There's this game called SFA3. Go play it. Posted by TS on 07:20:2001 12:08 AM: g_ngan: what is it with HK players not liking to throw? Posted by Geocide on 07:20:2001 12:18 AM: If the game had tiers...then why hasn't anyone mentioned any yet in this whole thread? *shrugs* Kamui: I don't think characters that are commonly used in tourneys have anything to do with it.. KOF94-KOF98 you couldn't say anything. KOF99 and beyond...thanks to probably can. MvsC2 basically put this tier crap in everyone's heads...mostly because of how characters worked well with assists and the potential domination play that brings. It's my assumption that characters that work well with certain strikers can be considered the same scenario. But about SNK games in general having's still questionable. Anyone could get owned by anyone based on skill level...not entirely because of what the character can do. I'll leave it at that, though. This is not something that needs to be blown up into an argument. Posted by BroodKill on 07:20:2001 12:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by TS Devil Lee- dead wrong. There's this game called SFA3. Go play it. Don't forget SFII: World Warriors. Once that 360 Piledriver hits, it's over. Litterally. Posted by sabretooth on 07:20:2001 05:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Devil Lee Zangief in any Capcom games doesn`t hold a torch to Goro Daimon or Clark. Sad but true. Any SNK character don't hold a torch to any MvC2 overpowered characters. True, but this means nothing since different engines requires different characters Posted by sabretooth on 07:20:2001 06:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by Geocide Unlikely. Tell that to someone like ImMature and you'll regret it. SNK games usually don't have one or more characters that can own everyone else. In Samurai Shodown 2, Ukyo could dominate anyone. That made him top tier, so to speak. Beyond SS2...SNK games are usually more balanced out so that everyone has a chance against each other. That's why most people laugh when smeone mentions tiers in SNK games. Do you know that Immature never played 2K? Posted by XNDL on 07:20:2001 07:04 AM: No. Clark in 2k is almost Wolverine in MSF. All his stocks are just used to replenish strikers for his Command throw -> Joe striker -> normal move X Command throw repeat. Top characters: Beni Jhun Clark Kyo Iori Perhaps Takuma/Seth Top Strikers: Seth Alt. Iori Joe Teams compirsing of these characters will dominate if the other player is of equal skill and using lesser characters. Hence " Top Tier" I'm not going to pretend to like KOF, its a distraction from SF, nothing more. But I see an awful lot of it being played and these characters dominate time and time again. On a seperate note; KOF98 Top Tier Iori Kyo Chris Beni Goro KOF97 Top Tier Iori ?? ?? (Never play it, I know Iori has some sickness with his command throw tho) KOF 96 Top Tier Iori (Thats it) Feel free to disagree/argue etc -XNDL PS - To address the point of "tierless" KOF, in the event that I see someone completely dominate with a team of, say, Joe/Kasumi/Shingo, with "Another Robert" as a striker, then I will happily retract this statement. (And no, dominating ME doesnt count, I'm nothing special at this game) Posted by Geocide on 07:20:2001 07:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by sabretooth Do you know that Immature never played 2K? Yes. he said he only played up to 99. I was referring to SNK games in general about top tiers...not just kof2k that time. Posted by Ultima on 07:20:2001 08:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by XNDL [snip rankings] Add to the list: KoF95 - Iori - Heidern No tiers in SNK games? Slash Nakoruru is no.1 in both SS3 and SS4. You can't be number 1 without rankings (and hence, tiers). They may be closer together, but EVERY fighting game has tiers. Posted by XNDL on 07:20:2001 10:02 AM: Thanks Ultima, Its been awhile since I played '95 and I had no idea who was top in that (although I kinda guessed Iori ) I just re-read my last post and it looks like I gave off the impression that SF games were vastly more balanced and free from "tiers" than SNK games. Not True. Like Ultima just said _every_ game has tiers. Over the years the term has been more widely used in discussion relating to Capcom games. And, as almost everyone has observed, there are people out there (idiots) who claim that one series is flat out better than the other. Usually you find that KOF'ers who are biased usually say SNK games dont have tiers, but for everyone of them theres a biased capcom gamer making the same idiotic statement. (But since this is a capcom board I don't like you'll find many, I'm sure on a KOF board the situation would be reversed) Posted by g_ngan on 07:20:2001 06:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by TS g_ngan: what is it with HK players not liking to throw? it' cause they think it's 'cheap' to throw~ but i think throwing is fine with me unless that guy keeps on throwing~ but talking about KOF...i "don't" think throw is needed~cause of the move that they provide~like can't block...and King and many other characters~ and as i said before....SF3 people can parry for open why need to throw?(unless that guy just keep on blocking when he wins) and for MVC2....people take risk to throw cause they might get hit by AAA....also.....for SF EX2 plus.....there is move that you can't block...(nanase,hakuto,sharon,darun,zangief,etc)and there is excel for people to combo~ Posted by g_ngan on 07:20:2001 06:18 PM: in KOF 99 and 00.......i don't see or feel any tiers cause of the striker...and anything before 98...there is tiers~ but i must say it's more balance than other games~like cris and his teammates.....i think they all are top tiers~ and about iroi...he is top too cause of the command throw and that he has~it can combo into many thing~ it's really hard for me to tell if there is any tiers in Hong Kong cause ¢Û¢Ï¢Ü¢ç people play KOF.......and most of them are really good~ i have seen people using different characters and playing with other people....they just kick ass.....o well~it's only how i feel and think about this PLEASE don't argue~ Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 07:20:2001 06:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ultima Add to the list: KoF95 - Iori - Heidern I think Kyo belongs in there too, and maybe Eiji and/or Kensou. quote: No tiers in SNK games? Slash Nakoruru is no.1 in both SS3 and SS4. You can't be number 1 without rankings (and hence, tiers). They may be closer together, but EVERY fighting game has tiers. Agreed. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by Ryu1999 on 07:20:2001 06:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC I think Kyo belongs in there too, and maybe Eiji and/or Kensou. [B] Agreed. Josh the FunkDOC kyo's super/DM in 95 was insanity. invincibilty (from waist up i believe), really quick start up, huge chip, no lag afterwards. i could beat the computer (ok ok i'm a scrub, but still) just by doing the infitnite DM after i was almost dead. the vertical range might allow people to jump, but of course you could hold it, and let it go (and the invinciblity from waist up) would make it pass through all jump attacks. sure you could dodge it, but once again, the delay factor was pretty tight, you could hold the flame longer than the dodge lasted and let her rip. Posted by TS on 07:20:2001 07:09 PM: if anyone didn't know, there's an old KOF 95 combo vid over at Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 07:20:2001 09:17 PM: Some thoughts. quote: Originally posted by Ryu1999 kyo's super/DM in 95 was insanity. invincibilty (from waist up i believe), really quick start up, huge chip, no lag afterwards. i could beat the computer (ok ok i'm a scrub, but still) just by doing the infitnite DM after i was almost dead. the vertical range might allow people to jump, but of course you could hold it, and let it go (and the invinciblity from waist up) would make it pass through all jump attacks. sure you could dodge it, but once again, the delay factor was pretty tight, you could hold the flame longer than the dodge lasted and let her rip. Hm...I didn't know it was *that* useful. I still don't think it's as good as the Maiden Masher, though. Now, some comments on the others I felt were top-tier characters. Keep in mind I haven't played this in awhile, so feel free to ridicule all you want: Eiji was the man. He had like 10 special moves or something, and just about every one of them was comboable off standing D. Jumping D was 2 hits, and so was the standing one. He had a fireball even bigger than the Haohshokoken that was *comboable* (IIRC, nobody could jump over this). He was the only other playable char besides Athena who had a reflector. And his DM moved *very* quickly and was also comboable. One question about him: Was his move where he jumps at you and keeps kicking you safe if blocked? I think it was, but not too sure. Kensou...either this or '99 was his best version. He's good because he plays the fireball-DP game very well (His anti-air was way better than Athena's). His mid-air special was just as annoying as Athena's. And was HCF+P safe if blocked? I don't remember this either. His DM was both an anti-air and a combo move, nice. Now to the other end of the coin. I remember Chang as being an absolute joke, by far the worst. I'm not sure this would be right, though, and would love to hear what would make him good (Jump C/CD?). I remember Joe being crap, and Benimaru being fairly weak, but I'm not sure those would be right either. Anybody with more experience care to comment? Josh the FunkDOC Posted by Deepthroat on 07:20:2001 11:44 PM: Drunkin Master Chin I kick A$$ with this guy. Posted by XNDL on 07:21:2001 03:14 AM: Just one last thing to add. KOF94: Bottom Teams Team China Team USA Aside from that I'm not too sure although I'd say Team Italy, Brazil, Mexico and England would be the ones vying for 1st place -XNDL Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 07:21:2001 04:37 AM: The Sports Team does not suck. Lucky can do good stuff with the basketball throw and teleport, plus his DM is nice anti-air. Brian's mid-air spin move is *really* abusable, and Heavy D! has nice combos and a good DM. They overall were better in '98. Brian got weaker, I think, but the other two were strengthened a lot. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by XNDL on 07:21:2001 04:40 AM: Yeh but when you had monsters like Team Brazil running around the Sports Team were nothing special.. -XNDL Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 07:21:2001 04:48 AM: I think USA's an average team at the very least. And the Ikari Warriors do rule that game. EVERY FREAKIN' ONE OF THEM can do the retarded corner glitch infinite. Edit: Just played it now. I don't think Ralf can do it, but Clark and Heidern can. Daimon has it as well. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by BoBO tHE sTrANgE on 07:21:2001 08:31 AM: There are few characters that deserve special mention in kof2k. 1.Jhun has a fairly easy 100% combo and a really good chipping trap. 2.Lin has his the unblockable glitch n his armor mode weak kick trap. 3.Ralph with joe striker using galatica phantom is pure evil. 4.Yuri can charge metet like no other with her spinnig arm move. every one else is pretty good and from my experiance kula,kyo,iori,k,benimaru,clark,athena and bao all seem a little better matbe not in another tier but really good. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:53 PM. Show all 40 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.